Paul Hammelmann retires after 45 years in the service of ‘Sécurité Routière’
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- Compliance with the speed limits is crucial in order to control the vehicle and avoid accidents.
- The Oldtimermaart is an annual event for lovers of old cars. It is open to all ACL members who want to sell a car that is at least 20 years old, but also to anyone who wants to buy a historic vehicle. Visit us on 28 September 2024 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Bartringen on the ACL grounds!
- The Luxembourg Red Cross is currently training a handful of carers to ride e-bikes in the city. Following ACL training, the aid organisation will start a test phase with 20 electric bikes.
- Max Wax has already travelled to Africa several times on his motorbike. He supports the local people with donations. He told the ACL what drives him.
- This year too, the ACL reception will open its doors exceptionally on Saturday mornings in July, from 9am to 1:30pm.
- Selon le bilan du ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics, 26 personnes sont mortes dans un accident de la route et 347 personnes ont été gravement blessées en 2023.
- During her morning visit, the minister was able to tour the club's facilities in Bertrange and familiarise herself with the many services offered by ACL. Martine Hansen also held talks with Miriam Eisenmenger to identify areas for future collaboration, in a mutual desire to strengthen ties between her department and the ACL.
- Euro football in Germany, construction sites, the Olympic Games in Paris, recharging points and environmental zones: avoid the pitfalls.
- During his first "State of the Nation Address", a traditional exercise designed to set the government's course, the Prime Minister, Luc Frieden (CSV), announced the creation of a new subsidy for electric mobility as well as a reduction in existing bonuses.
- After buying Volvo Autopolis, Vincent Fonzé from Liège, who has already invested in the Polestar ‘space’ in Gasperich, is setting up in Bonnevoie with the ambition of raising Volvo's profile in the Grand Duchy.
- As a member of ACL, you can play an active part in improving the way people live together on the road! Join our collaborative workshop where we will bring together members of all generations for a constructive exchange on mobility and cohabitation between road users.
- Easily recognizable on Luxembourg's roads, ACL's iconic yellow vans have a new look with the arrival of six Mercedes Vito’s. Let's dive into their preparation.
- At the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 6 June 2024, the Board of Directors of Automobile Club Luxembourg (ACL) was re-elected in its entirety.
- At a ceremony organised on 14 May 2024 by the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter Committee to mark the close of Diversity Day Lëtzebuerg, ACL signed the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter. On this occasion, ACL was honoured with a visit from the Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity, Yuriko Backes.
- Candidat aux élections européennes sur la liste du CSV, Guy Breden souhaite plaider, entre autres, en faveur des alternatives à l’électrification comme l’hydrogène.
- Another successful ACL Classic Tour took place on Ascension Thursday, May 9, in glorious summer weather. Bugatti, Triumph, Porsche, Mercedes, Ferrari, Chevrolet... Parked in the ACL car park in Bertrange, nearly 150 crews took part in this tour worthy of a rolling museum, bringing together a wide range of vehicles, from the youngest oldtimers to the oldest cars dating back to the 1930s.
- Eight months ago, ACL scrutinised the manifestos of various candidates in the parliamentary elections. We came to the bitter conclusion that mobility issues of today and tomorrow remained largely undervalued. What about the European deadline of 9 June?