
A new subsidy starting from October 1

The Prime Minister, Luc Frieden, has announced a new subsidy of €1,500 for the purchase of a second-hand electric car.

Published on 13/06/2024

A new subsidy starting from October 1

During his first “State of the Nation”, a traditional exercise designed to set the government’s course, the Prime Minister, Luc Frieden (CSV), announced the creation of a new subsidy for electric mobility as well as a reduction in existing bonuses.

To start with the good news, the Prime Minister announced that, from October, people will be able to benefit from a €1,500 subsidy on the purchase of a second-hand electric car. Details of this new subsidy for electric mobility have yet to be announced. Note that the vehicle in question must be more than three years old.

This new boost responds to an increasingly urgent request from professionals in the automotive sector and the House of Automobile, who for several weeks have been advocating for the creation of this kind of aid to help the second-hand electric car market take off. As a reminder, at the beginning of May, according to data from the advertising website, there were 1,274 electric cars and 2,094 hybrids for sale, representing 10.6% of the listings. Just two years ago, only 644 electric cars and 2,182 hybrids were listed on the digital platform.

Drop in the €8,000 Bonus

On the other hand, the current €8,000 bonus for the purchase of an electric car will be reduced. From 1 October, it will be just €6,000 (for models with a consumption of less than 16 kWh/100 km) and €3,000 for models with a consumption between 16 and 18 kWh/100 km. Above 18 kWh/100 km, support stops, except for families with more than three children.

Support for the Purchase of a Cargo Bike

In his State of the Nation address, the Prime Minister also indicated that from 1 October this year, only the purchase of “cargo” bikes would receive financial support from the State. He also pointed out that since the introduction of mobility subsidies, 80,000 bikes have received a subsidy.

Finally, Luc Frieden emphasised that the State would continue to invest massively in renewable energies, with an investment of €2.5 billion as part of the implementation of the Energy and Climate Plan (PNEC) in 2025.

State of the Nation

(Crédit photo:  SIP)
Von Jérémy Zabatta