
Vignettes and tolls in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, all motorways and motorways are subject to tolls, with a few exceptions.

Electronic vignettes

All vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes, with the exception of motorbikes, must be fitted with an electronic vignette. The digital vignette is available both online and locally at border crossings and other points of sale (post offices, EuroOil petrol stations). The electronic vignettes can be purchased up to three months in advance.

Vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tonnes use an electronic toll system.

To the electronic vignette

Exemptions for environmentally friendly vehicles

Electric, hydrogen and hybrid vehicles (maximum CO2 emissions of 50 g/km) do not require a vignette and can drive toll-free on application. However, a certified signature or an electronic signature certificate is required for this.

More information and form